****For previous Halloween Posts, see:
Halloween 2009: Where the Wild Things Are
Halloween 2011: Deep in the Hundred Acre Wood
Halloween 2012: A World of Pure Imagination
Halloween 2013: I've Got No Strings
Halloween 2015: The Force Awoke
Russell's outfit had so many little things to put together. I loved figuring out ways to scale everything down to Calvin size. It was a lot of fun, and I was so happy with how it turned out.
I worked a lot with PhotoFabric, a colorfast fabric that has a paper backing to allow you to put it directly into your inkjet printer. I was able to then print images of merit badges and the Wilderness explorer logo for his sash, hat, and little flag. At first I had some problems because the thick fabric paper would jam every time I would try to print on it. I was ready to give up, but decided to just pull the fabric away from the paper backing and just stick the fabric into the printer. I had to be careful to make sure the fabric wouldn't bunch as it was pulled through, but it printed out perfect the first time! It was amazing- I just printed these out!
Russell's backpack was pretty easily made with a variety of things I found at the thrift store nearby. I was able to find the perfect little things to go on it. I got some various tiny pots and pans, and a little handbag with a long strap to become his backpack. I cut the straps off and made little backpack straps and straps for the bedroll with it. I got a little dog harness from the dollar store, and it became all the little brown straps that I hung little carabiners on to carry the pans, compass, rope, flashlight, bugle, etc. The rest of the outfit was just some Russell-ish articles of clothing that Calvin already had or that were easily found.
The BEST part about the costume was that Calvin LOVED it. Seriously, when he'd see his backpack around the house, he'd beg to put it on. He has been wearing the costume since Friday and has never once wanted to take the backpack or hat off. This costume was exactly his kind of thing!
On Friday, we went to our church Halloween party. Everyone loved his costume again this year as he won the costume contest again! Our chili also won the Chili Cookoff for the 2nd year running (I have to give all credit for this to Jennifer)! We had lots of fun! And between the clanging of his backpack and the balloons tied to him, we could hear and see Calvin no matter where he was at the party! A great unforeseen perk of this costume!
Phew! I am pretty burnt out from crafting costumes, but so glad that everything turned out well. I don't know how I can ever make a cooler costume for Calvin, though. I need to start planning now for next year.
Calvin trying on his not-quite-finished costume for the first time.
*****For those interested in making this costume, I found the merit badges here. Just print them whatever size you need them, cut them out, and sew them on a sash!*****
Other Halloween Years:
Halloween 2009: Where the Wild Things Are
Halloween 2011: Deep in the Hundred Acre Wood
Halloween 2012: A World of Pure Imagination
Halloween 2013: I've Got No Strings
Other Halloween Years:
Halloween 2009: Where the Wild Things Are
Halloween 2011: Deep in the Hundred Acre Wood
Halloween 2012: A World of Pure Imagination
Halloween 2013: I've Got No Strings