Monday, September 10, 2012

a Northwest Jaunt

Many of you know how much I love the Oregon Coast. Well, I pine for it more and more these days ever since a dear friend of mine moved to the Portland area. I saved all my pennies over the past year and skipped town for a weekend to visit! I had already cancelled this trip once due to an unfortunate back injury... but I was not going to be stopped this time!

Linus got to come with me since he still flies free, and it was such a nice break from the norm. Taking care of one baby is enormously simpler than taking care of a baby and a 3 1/2 year old who thinks he's 20. Calvin and Tyler stayed and had some nice daddy-son bonding time.

Linus LOVED the plane ride. I don't think I have ever seen him so excited. He just kept looking out the window and giggling. He was SO tired, but wouldn't close his eyes for a minute. He just grinned like this the whole way.

Kate hadn't been to the coast yet, so we made our way there. First stop- Tillamook, of course.

As we arrived, we posed the babies for a picture. It didn't seem strange at the time, but now it looks as if they were going to tour the factory alone. We want to do a separate blog about the adventures of two one-year-olds travelling the world together.

my Baby Loaf

Cannon Beach. Joe with his pail and shovel. And Linus with a handful of sand about to enter his mouth.

Linus is ever observant

A rare sighting of the tracks of Babyis Mobilis
Hmm...where can I find more sand to eat?

Windy, wonderful Cannon Beach
And no trip to Cannon Beach would be complete without clam chowder from Ecola Seafood. I love that place.

We visited the Lahsenes as well. They are always such wonderful hosts! (Here is Adrian, Susie, and Jake. Marcel is not pictured)

My wonderful cousin Susie
Jake and Linus always seem to really hit it off
And of course, a DOUBLE RAINBOW to signify the end of the trip!

I had such a wonderful, relaxing time eating delicious food and playing with amazing friends. The four days went by so fast- I wish I could've stayed longer. But I did miss my Tyler and Calvin. It was good to come back home. Maybe we just need to all move up there.....


  1. That photo of Linus crawling in the sand needs to be blown up and hung up in his room. What a GREAT trip!

  2. One month after you posted . . . (ahem)

    I LOVE your summary! That picture of the babies in front of Tillamook still makes me laugh. Looks like we just abandoned them.

    Even more than I loved seeing the photos, I loved having you come to visit even more. It was amazing. Thank you for saving your pennies and choosing ME! Love and miss you.
